The McLendon Educational Trust Scholarship is for students with both merit and a financial need. The McLendon Scholarships are awarded each semester, and students must submit a new application with complete supporting documentation for each semester that he/she is requesting scholarship funds. Applicants must be a high school graduate with a 2.0 or better final grade point average or have earned a GED in order to apply. Students that have previously been enrolled in college must also have both a college cumulative and semester grade point average of 2.0 or better at time of application. To qualify, applicants’ household income must be $120,000 or less or if household income is greater than $120,000, applicants must have extenuating circumstances that demonstrate financial need such as loss of job, serious illness, divorce, death, etc. If extenuating circumstances exist, they must be detailed in the applicant’s letter turned in with the application. Application requires a copy of the of the previous year’s income tax IRS Form 1040 tax return showing proof of income for everyone in the household for the previous year ending December 31.
